Success is about how far you've come

Success is about how far you've come

If you’re ambitious, you're going to feel like a failure from time to time. Lofty goals lead to inevitable moments when you aren’t yet living up to your expectations. We also live in a world that reinforces this feeling where we equate material possessions with success.

It’s hard not to feel like the most successful people are those with the most amount of stuff. Regardless of what you achieve, there will always be someone with more stuff , a 'better', or higher paying job. The problem isn’t your lack of stuff; it’s believing that more stuff indicate true success.

Real success is about how far you’ve come. Sometimes you just need a reminder as to what you’ve accomplished in life.

Inspired by: Thrive Global - 9 Signs You’re Successful Even if It Doesn’t Feel Like It, by The Ladders